✅Must Have Homebrew Apps For PlayStation PS Vita

Are you desperately searching for homebrew app for your PlayStation Vita? Unless you are a gaming addict, you may think homebrew to…

Homebrew apps for vita

Are you desperately searching for homebrew app for your PlayStation Vita? Unless you are a gaming addict, you may think homebrew to be some kind of an alcoholic beverage prepared at home. Well, homebrew apps and plugins are excellent for gaming addicts. They are basically created by ordinary people and not those big software brands. Here are some excellent homebrew apps and plugins for PS Vita:

Best Homebrew Apps For PS Vita


Speaking of user-friendly homebrew apps, Adrenaline stands tall in the list. This app has the capability of modifying the actual PSP emulator associated with PS Vita for running PSP 6.61 custom firmware. Well, there are more facilities associated. Adrenaline has the capability to access the entire PSP home menu without any problem. However, it is necessary to install Vita Shell to use this homebrew app.

Vita Homebrew Browser

Vita Homebrew Browser can be best described as a kind of browser or app store for PS Vita. Using this browser, you can search for PS Vita games from Vita DB, watch videos, see screenshots, and install all for free. You are requested to download the latest version of the VHBB and then transfer the VPK to the Vita. Once done, then only go for installation using VitaShell. Well, there is another thing to keep in mind: You need to jailbreak the Vita to make it usable. You can install Custom Gaming ROMs also using it.

PSP home browser

PSP home browser is a sort of HENkaku application that plays a significant role in installing the PSP homebrews that can run under the Adrenaline.

Custom Themes Manager

Custom Themes Manager is used to create super simple yet uniquely designed themes for PlayStation Vita. Using this tool, you can easily manage the custom created themes directly from the console. You, as a user, can easily browse, download, view, and even install the themes from the same app without any requirement of an internet browser or some kind of external apps. There is also a tool to uninstall the custom theme that you donโ€™t require anymore. This helps in freeing up space for the new themes. Some of the other useful features include dumping a theme to the local folder, installing a custom theme from the memory card, checking updates for the themes, applying themes without any manual settings, choosing the partition for themes installation, and much more. The tool also comes with the option to reboot the PS Vita , thus preventing the effort required to manually shutdown.

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Adrenaline Bubbles Manager

Using this tool, you can create and organize the direct Adrenaline bubbles. It is capable of adding PSP bubbles to the Vita Live Area for fast accessibility. Using this tool, gamers can develop personalized bubbles with TITLE and ICON of the PSP content without much effort. The LMAN plugin helps in this process and prevents the tedious and tiring manual method from getting conducted. However, it is necessary to understand that Adrenaline Bubbles Manager never changes the CPU speed.


VITAident GUI is the first hardware/system identity tool introduced for PS VITA. It can display cycle count and battery voltage, GPU Xbar clock frequency, battery temperature, PS Vita unit, PSID, PS Vita Motherboard, model and firmware info, MAC address, ARM clock frequency and a lot more.


MaiDump tool is a type of homebrew tool, capable of installing and decrypting game backups. It has a similar functionality just like that of Vitamin homebrew. The backup is installed in the MaiDump format and considered highly beneficial for the English patched games. The menu screen of MaiDump tool displays the following options:

  • Install game from the folder
  • Extract and decrypt the game
  • Install DLC from the folder
  • Install patch from the folder
  • Switch game loading (This is relevant only for the games being decrypted and then installed from the Mai)
  • Download the latest Mai Tool
  • Display Info

While discussing the Homebrew apps, we must never overlook the importance of plugins. They play a significant role in the process. Letโ€™s have a look at some of the top and most effective homebrew plugins available.

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Best Homebrew Plugins For Playstation Vita


Nonpdrm is a plugin responsible for bypassing the DRM protection on different PS Vita devices. It allows the option to install the backups with ease. Nonpdrm exports the license keys of PS Vita content as fake licenses, thus making it easier to install the games. It also has the capability to run the trial versions of the games as the full versions. One amazing feature of nonpdrm is its ability to remove the expiration date of PS Plus and other consoles.
Nonpdrm makes the imported games look like purchased games and allows for seamless download of the updates as long they support 3.68 firmware version and lower. It also allows sharing of the PFS encrypted content across different PS Vita devices and accounts using those fake license files.
However, the plugin never allows for game or application modifications. Also, do keep a note that this plugin will never work with any PFS decrypted content. It will never enable the user to run an app without the availability of valid or even a fake license file. Finally, this plugin doesnโ€™t support PS 1 and PS Portable titles.

Vita-shellbat (shows percentage battery left)

This is a very effective plugin for PS Vita since it displays the remaining battery percentage available. Users often regard this vita-shellbat plugin to be the greatest one available ever.

Pngshot – Take Screenshots

Pngshot is the plugin you desperately need to make the screenshots look great once more. It captures screenshots in a very effective way, making them look appealing. However, keep in mind that pngshot will not work if DEX SceShell is installed to the PS Vita.

Screenie (Another Screenshot Plugin)

Screenie is a plugin for PS Vita that can take excellent screenshots. It can be best described as a taiHEN plugin which allows the user to take screenshots anytime without any watermark or compression factor. Using Screenie, you will certainly improve on the overall screenshot taking experience. You just need to press L, R, and SELECT from the keyboard together to take the screenshot. Screenie even uses the new I/O plugin from Rinnegatamante known as KUIO that ensures a better experience for users. Once you download this plugin, you have to install KUIO.SKRPX in the Kernel of taiHEN. It is necessary to install both these plugins and make sure they are running properly.

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This is the plugin gamers will love to use. It adds that ultimate analog stick support for different PSP games. Yes, Adrenaline is used for the process. But all said, the installation process certainly varies accordingly. The process, if the basics are concerned, is carried out through copying of the .ini and .prx files and placing it at the seplugins folder. Once done, add the “ms0:/seplugins/camera_patch_lite.prx 1” to the game.txt file.


Download_enabler plugin allows PS Vita to download any type of files from the browser and not just the media files. However, you must understand that this plugin never supports content without content-length entity-header fields. The version 3 has improved code and the scenario of files getting overwritten does not happen. Also, bugs are fixed and the new versions allow for download of any files through the browser or the VitaShell QR Code Scanner.

How To Install?

Most of the above homebrew/plugins can be downloaded from VITADB. For any type of installation guide, you can checkout the youtube videos, Relevant Forums and Github Releases.

Final words

So, here we have tried to look at some of the most effective homebrew apps and plugins that promise the best of experience for PS VITA gamers. However, you must try them properly to ensure that they are supporting your cause and needs. Feel free to discuss any issues in the comment section below.

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